Artisans Vignerons
A passion, friends, an adventure! Le Clos des Ors, an organic AOC Languedoc and IGP Cévennes estate in Cannes and Clairan. A unique story…
A philosophy
Listening to and observing nature and its environment are the sole guides to the work of Le Clos des Ors.
12 hectars in the middle of the wood, on a plateau at 200m, the paradise on earth. Juste in between Montpellier and Alès, and Nîmes and Le Vigan, in the Gard.
Biodiversity is the guide…
Passion, biodynamics, wine
Organic, what is it?
“Do you even treat your vines organically?” The question comes up regularly, and yes, we do help the plant to defend itself…
The particularity of organic farming is that herbicides are forbidden, so the only way to get rid of the grass on the ground is by mechanical action, either by mowing or ploughing.
As far as treatment products are concerned, only one insecticide is authorized, which has only very limited effects and, above all, is broad-spectrum… It is therefore preferable not to use them and to take advantage of biodiversity to defend ourselves. As the smaller beasts are eaten by the larger ones, if you don’t unbalance the ecosystems, everything will be fine.
For fungal diseases (mildew and powdery mildew), we use Bordeaux mixture and sulfur. Simply in contact, it’s very effective…
Biodynamic, what is it?
Biodynamics was created by a German movement in the early 20th century, led by Rudolph Steiner.
In addition to the main principles of the use of preparations and planetary cycles enabling the vine to regenerate and defend itself, biodynamic viticulture consists of constant observation of the environment!
The first fundamental element is biodiversity. The more complex a system, the more stable it is. It’s an observation that’s easy to make in the world of information technology or business… In the agricultural and natural world, it’s still hard to get people to understand. However, if we rebalance ecosystems, there is no longer any need for man to intervene artificially to fill gaps.
The main lever for action is the soil! If we start with a living soil, many external problems are solved: transformation of organic and mineral matter, assimilation of water in soils, carbon storage, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
The other lever is to provide or intervene when the plant needs it, not a priori! Listen, smell, feel, analyze… Don’t submit to a prescription or a calendar… Let nature rebalance itself, and many harmful phenomena can be avoided!
Whate is the Clos des Ors Terroir?
The word “Terroir” is (too) often associated with the soil and subsoil of the vine…
Terroir is also the climate, the environment in which the vines grow and the winemaker flourishes, and man’s know-how. The man (or woman) who combines all these elements so that the wine best expresses the place in which it has grown.
The environment in which the vines grow is of paramount importance, and is often referred to as agro-forestry. The Clos des Ors vines grow in the middle of a forest on a plateau at an altitude of 200 metres. Mediterranean woodland species coexist with White Oak, Birch and Ash. All indicators of freshness and biodiversity. These two elements are essential for the plant to flourish in a context of profound climate change.
Médaille d’Or
Challenge Millésime Bio
Guide Hachette 2025
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